Materials/Technical Aspects _ Textile Museum Tilburg
Commissioned by _ Vlisco + The Design Academy Eindhoven _ Shirley Muijrers
Assignment _ How could Vlisco expand their brand in the Western world?


Vlisco offers a world of inspiration, once entered. Vlisco inspires costumors to crea-
te their own colourful outfits. The embodiment of freedom, vlisco fabrics reflect the
taste and personality of the wearer, like ‘true’ originals.
What if you could extend this world of inspiration, creativity and freedom in a way
that costumors become the creators of their interiors?

End result

‘Fabrics for upholstery’
The focus of these knits lies on the endless possibility of play, offered to
the customer. By stretching, contracting and folding these knits the patterns will
change. You can make it entirely your own and create an individual interior piece.

© 2016 – Babeth Rammelt

Site By N. van der Burgt